Our Adults
Mini Fairytail Golden Retrievers adults used in our breeding program.
Wild Fire
Introducing WildFire
Wildfire, loves spending lots of time outdoors as the breeze blows through his long dashing coat and eye catching featherings.He loves chumming with others and running about outside.He has a wonderful personality and his energy level is a nice moderate.His wonderful personality and temperment make him so enjoyable to introduce to new people and his stunning stature and coat demand people`s attention .
Wildfire, is such a breeze to care for and have around ,his easily content attitude adds to his Wonder !
Even though his coat is a bit longer it is still pretty straight ,with wavys,constant brushing is not necessary and his shedding level is at a nice low /moderate and we hope that genes always gets passed down to his puppies.
WildFire is about 31 pounds and 17.5 inches tall.
Lets dive right into his genetics
Wildfire was tested for 220 genetic conditions!
He has 1 copy of Ichthyosis ,Ictl 1 but he is not affected as he would have to have 2 copies for him to be affected which means he is only a carrier and with careful breeding NONE of his puppies will ever be affected with Ichthyosis , Ictl 1 . All the other 219 genetic results are negative and he is not even a carrier.
So what is Ichthyosis, Ictl1?
It’s a skin disorder than an affected dog displays thick, darkly pigmented scales of skin on their nose, paw pads, and muzzles.
About 45 of 100 Golden Retrievers!
WildFire`s Puppies
WilFire has produced such wonderful puppies and indeed his dense colored coat usually shows up in his offsprings his longer coat doesnt seem to though.His puppies have good temperments ,he is producing playful little boys and girls and cute as a button.
DOB: 06/10/2020
Weight: 28 lbs
Thor has an almost white coat and fluffy ears. He loves to be around people and being outdoors where he can run and have fun.
Thor’s coat is pretty flat and he has a honey pot of gold personally. He is pretty active but not crazy and loves to be petted and being talked to.
Thor is 21 pounds and 14” at the shoulder making him a great size to breed to our Mini Goldens .DOB: 06/22/2022
Weight: 24 lbs
Introducing LadyBug,
LadyBug is one of our Beautiful dark red girls
She has a Awesome Personality and Happy Go Lucky attitude,
she loves getting Lots of Attention and Treats. “She is adored by All”
Everybody can’t help but love her .
She is the perfect size,color, and personality combination which is super hard to find.
We love having her in our family and can’t wait for you to experience having one of her adorable babies as part of your family.
16 inches at the shoulder
DOB: 06/05/2023
Weight: 31 lbs